出售回收NI PXIE-8840 PXI控制器 PXI-8423 PXI-8461

    出售回收NI PXIE-8840 PXI控制器 PXI-8423 PXI-8461

  • 2023-03-23 13:30 700
  • 产品价格:5600.00 元/
  • 发货地址:广东东莞 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:200.00 产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:261569491公司编号:23130914
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NI PXIE-8840 PXI控制器 PXI-8423 PXI-8461

随着PCI Express标准发展到PCI Express 3.0,PXI高速继续利用新功能。PXIe-8880使用PCI Express技术的进步来提供一个x16以及一个x8 Gen 3 PCI Express链路,用于连接PXI机箱背板。使用PXIe-8880与*三代PXI高速底盘,如PXIe-1095,提供了系统数据吞吐量高达24 GB/s。凭借如此高的带宽,您现在可以轻松实现计算要求高吞吐率的密集型应用,如下一代无线网络通信设计和原型制作、RF记录和回放以及噪声映射。差异化输入输出NI PXI和PXI Express嵌入式控制器具有多种I/O连接功能,可连接到standalone仪器或外围设备。I/O产品包括多两个雷电3、两个USB 3.0、四个USB 2.0端口、双千兆以太网、GPIB、串行端口、两个支持双显示器的显示端口,以及并行端口。这些端口中的每一个都直接转化为节约,因为它们需要购买提供此功能的PXI模块。此外,您可以优化PXI机箱中的可用插槽,因为您可以使用这些插槽来放置测量模块

With the development of PCI Express standard to PCI Express 3.0, PXI high speed continues to be utilized.

New features. PXIe-8880 uses advances in PCI Express technology to provide an x16

And an x8 Gen 3 PCI Express link for connecting the PXI chassis backplane.

A complete system is provided by using PXIe-8880 and the third generation PXI high-speed chassis, such as PXIe-1095.

The data throughput is as high as 24 GB/s. With such high bandwidth, you can easily realize computing now.

Intensive applications requiring high throughput, such as the next generation wireless network

Communication and prototyping, RF recording and playback, and noise mapping.

Differentiated input and output

NI PXI and PXI Express embedded controllers have various I/O connection functions, which can be connected to standalone instruments or peripheral devices. I/O products include up to two thunderbolts 3, two USB 3.0, and four

USB 2.0 port, dual Gigabit Ethernet, GPIB, serial port, two display ports supporting dual monitors, and

Parallel port. Each of these ports directly translates into cost savings because they are no longer needed.

Purchase PXI modules that provide this function. In addition, you can optimize

Available slots in PXI chassis, because you can use these slots to place measurement modules.


PXI-6221 PXI-6224 PXI-6225 PXI-6229 PXI-6230 PXI-6236 PXI-6238 PXI-6280 PXI-6281 PXI-6284 PXI-6289 PXIe-6124 PXIe-6341 PXIe-6345 PXIe-6349 PXIe-6355 PXIe-6356 PXIe-6358 PXIe-6361 PXIe-6363 PXIe-6365 PXIe-6366 PXIe-6368 PXIe-6375 PXIe-6376 PXIe-6378 PXIe-6386 PXIe-6396 ,NI PCIe-7841 PCIe-7842 PCIe-7846 PCIe-7852 PCIe-7856 PCIe-7857 PCIe-7858 PCIe-7845 PCI-6704 PCIe-6738 PCIe-7862R,NI PCIE-7852R PXI-7841 PXI-7842 PXI-7851 PXI-7852 PXI-7853 PXIE-7846 PXIE-7847 PXIE-7856

PXIE-7857 PXIE-7858 PXIE-7861 PXIE-7862 PXIE-7865 PXIE-7866 PXIE-7867 PXIE-7868,PXI-2529 PXI-2532B PXI-2533 PXI-2534 PXI-2535 PXI-2536 PXIe-2529 PXIe-2531 PXIe-2532B PXIe-2737 PXIe-2738 PXIe-2739,USB-4065 PCI-4065 PXI-4065 PXI-4070 PXI-4071 PXI-4072 PXIe-4080 PXIe-4081 PXIe-4082USB-6000 USB-6001 USB-6002 USB-6003 USB-6210 USB-6211 USB-6212 USB-6215 USB-6216 USB-6218 USB-6255

USB-6281 USB-6289 USB-6341 USB-6343 USB-6346 USB-6349 USB-6351 USB-6353 USB-6353 USB-6361 USB-6363 USB-6366 USB-7845 USB-7846 USB-7855 USB-7856 USB-5132 USB-5133 USB 8502 USB 8506 PCI GPIB小卡

欢迎来到东莞市佳华仪器设备有限公司网站,我公司位于素有“龙舟之乡、中国民间艺术之乡、举重之乡、粤剧之乡”之美誉,号为“世界工厂”的东莞市。 具体地址是广东东莞盈锋莲湖广场B区2单元1402房,负责人是冉另昌。
联系电话是86-0769-87501852-, 主要经营示波器、NI采集卡、万用表、频谱分析仪。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。

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